Battlefield Friends Wiki
BFFs - Vehicle Spawn (Season 1E9)
Season 1, Episode 9
Thumb S1E9
BFFs - Vehicle Spawn (Season 1E9)
Air date May 11, 2012
Episode guide
Claymore Specialist

The episode starts off with The Noob driving a jeep throughout the map. The Engineer and The Medic are killed at Point Bravo and respawn in The Noob's jeep. The two tell the Noob to drive them to Point B, again with The Noob's failure to understand a simple request. After a short while, The Noob starts to hum a song. The other two recognize it as the TROLOLOL song. Instantly, The Noob tells them to bail out of the jeep and dives out. In the sudden rush, The Medic and The Engineer are killed from The Noob's C4 and the enemy tank's explosion. Because of this, The Noob is promoted which causes him to go crazy over this.
